
Technology and Time Savings: The Impact of ChatGPT

Recent innovations and time-saving value

These days, it feels like YouTube ads are getting longer. This could be a sign that revenue from search, Google’s main source of revenue, is declining. In particular, with the rise of new technologies like ChatGPT, I feel that even Google is losing its main source of revenue.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says ChatGPT has the potential to change the world. I feel the same way. Google collects information from websites around the world and provides fast and informative search results. And this leads to profit in the form of advertising revenue.

However, ChatGPT provides faster and more accurate information. As a result, I now rely on ChatGPT for most of my searches. Additionally, we pay a monthly fee for ChatGPT to take advantage of its high quality and web scraping capabilities.

Currently, I’m working on developing an app using ChatGPT. We use ChatGPT’s API to obtain even more accurate information. This comes at an additional cost, but I pay it because it’s valuable to me in my work.

The wonders of ChatGPT

What’s amazing about ChatGPT is that in addition to receiving money from users, users (developers) go out of their way to give us information.

Google spends a huge amount of money to collect information, but ChatGPT not only gets paid, but also gets information that is not available on the internet.

Many programmers pay around 1,000 to 5,000 yen per month for ChatGPT, but we think it’s well worth it. Because the most important thing is saving time. Many software exists for this purpose.

Google Search is free to use, but ChatGPT is faster and gives better results, so I pay to use it.

The same goes for shopping on Amazon. When we buy everyday items, we in Japan are buying time, not products. Amazon Japan saves you valuable time by delivering everyday items like toilet paper and cooking oil the next day you order them.

In conclusion, if you can sell your time, it can lead to big profits.
I think it would be a great thing if our products and services ultimately helped users save time.

And we need to develop such a product.

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